Become a member

Regular members are people interested in ICIP and its activities. Their contacts can be published, on request, on the CIPA web site. ICOMOS Emerging Professionals are welcomed as regular members. Based on the ICOMOS ADCOM 2018 /12 /05, ‘Emerging Professional’ (EP) means ICOMOS individual members who: (1) Have less than 15 years total educational and/or professional experience, in a field related to the aims defined in Article 3 of ICOMOS Statutes, and (2) Are seeking to build up interest and expertise in the field. 
Interpretation is a multi-dimensional field, in which anyone can practice. There are currently no heritage-based qualifications for interpretation. For this reason, ICIP welcomes all interested members from ICOMOS and the broader heritage community. 

Expert Members are people who demonstrate high professional and research activities in the field of cultural heritage documentation. To be eligible for Expert Membership, applicants must apply to the ICIP Board and submit a short CV and Expression of Interest.  

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